Electronic airbag for riders
The world’s first electronic airbag dedicated to riders
Current tethered airbag vests provide protection during certain falls, but they do not cover the most critical scenarios, such as when the rider remains attached to their horse. Additionally, handling can be more complex (changing the gas cartridge, remembering to detach the leash).
This is why In&motion and Horse Pilot have combined their expertise to develop the E-Twist’Air: an ultra-breathable vest with an elegant design. With detection and activation in less than 60 milliseconds, it covers different types of falls while offering comfort, elegance, and changing the inflator (gas cartridge) in under a minute.
This first electronic airbag vest integrates the Essential In&motion module and protects vital areas: Thorax, Abdomen, Neck, and Back. It also features a RE ZRO® Level 2 back protector.
A new detection mode
In&motion expands its range of detection modes already developed for motorcycling with this new equestrian detection mode, allowing for the detection of rider falls.
This mode was designed based on data and feedback collected from both professional and amateur riders. It is currently suitable for Show Jumping, Cross-Country, Dressage, Hunter, Trail Riding, and Endurance.
For more information on the Equestrian mode, we invite you to consult our FAQ:
- How to get the Equestrian mode?
- What disciplines are covered by the Equestrian mode?
- How to use my airbag for the first time?
- How to maintain my airbag?
- …